Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Have Arrived!

Well, I didn't sleep at all on the 8.5 hour flight from Chicago to Frankfurt. Neither did I on the 1.5 hour train ride from the airport to the hotel. I got here and was absolutely exhausted, but I've been forcing myself to stay awake so I can handle the jet lag as soon as possible. It's now 6pm.

I forced myself to walk around the city for an hour or two and snapped a few photos. Everything is very walkable. There are tons of shops and restaurants right out our doorstep. The city is surrounded by hills lined with wineries. In the city, there's a good mix of historical buildings along with very modern architecture.

Here's a glimpse of the historical street walks that snake through the town:

And here's the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, in the center of downtown.


  1. Those side streets look amazing! and the walkableness is wonderful.

    So i missed why you are in Germany and who you are with. I want the dets!

    Your favorite cousin,

  2. Hi Kate,
    I was sent over here for work for 2 months. We have an office in Esslingen. My girlfriend Kara was able to get a leave from work and come as well.

